Have you ever tried to create an ebook on your own before? It’s a lot of work. The last time I did, I spent about 20 hours writing the content and then another 5 hours trying to design the ecover. And guess what? The ebook I made was still ugly. But all that is gone with this new software that just hit the market called “Profit Product Creator”.

Let us go and review this software

Introducing Profit Product Creator

Profit Product Creator is a brand new state of the art cloud based web app that allows you to create products” in the form of an ebook in under 60 seconds.

These products could be sold on for profit, be given away as lead magnets or shared online to get viral traffic into your online business.

The Profit Product Creator app is packed with everything you need to save time, get more leads, and boost your online income…

Here’s Some Of Its Features:

It’s 100% newbie-friendly, hosted securely in the cloud so there’s nothing to install, and it’s extremely easy-to-use.

You can create high-quality lead magnets, PDFs, and eBooks in 60 seconds with a few clicks of your mouse.

Instantly grow your list and even sell these ebooks for mon’ey in your Pocket!

This uses other people’s content LEGALLY so you never have to write a single word if you hate writing.

Continue reading..

The software also creates stunning ebook covers with the click of your mouse… No design experience required ever.

Profit Product Creator works with all major email marketing programs like Aweber and GetResponse to make getting opt-ins from landing pages built inside fast and easy.

You don’t even need a website or any special “tech” experience to get started with this right now!

profit product creator

Click Here To Download

To get started, just enter a keyword to have a book made from scratch. The software will pull from a database of over 250,000 premium articles for content.

Or you can copy and paste any text into the software to create your eBook. And even enter a website URL to legally scrape content from any website.

Here Is How It Works..

And to get started with Profit Product Creator, it only takes three super simple steps:

1 – Access the app and chose those subject line for your product

2 – Create your digital product in under 60 seconds

3 – Get instant viral traffic withyour digital product to get SALES!

Three super simple steps to instant traffic and sales with your very own digital products!

Just watch the video below to see Profit Product Creator in action..


The Profit Product Creator has been designed to help you generate leads, sales and commissions through the power of your own digital products.

Don’t let this one-off opportunity to slip through your hands… It only takes a few minutes to get started and this could give your online biz that kick start!


Works in any niche and you get free hosting.


You need to  have a stable Internet connection to use the software. Also you need to contact support desk for any issues.


So whether you’re brand new or an experienced marketer short on time, you’ll be driving traffic, leads and profits fast.

Included is a step-by-step training that covers both the basics of using the software right through to maximizing your results with tips from 7+ figure marketers.

Click Here Now To Get Profit Product Creator

Important links: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Product_design